WishListTracker lets families exchange wishlists on holidays, like Christmas, or birthdays and inform each other what gifts they bought yet keep it a surprise. With WishListTracker, you create wish lists and share them with your family in groups.

Members of a group can:

•  View each other's wishlist
Indicate the gifts they bought
Add comments
Use tracking to receive email alerts when a wishlist changes

It's impossible to see what's been bought from your own wish list. The creator of a group is the administrator and controls who can join. So, there's no peeking! And, it's free! Sign up now! Learn more.

Step 1

Step 2

Log in, above.

Step 3     

Click MY LISTS to create a wish list.

Step 4

Click GROUPS to create a group and invite family members.

Or, join a group with a group number or invitation.

Step 5

Click GROUPS, then click "Show" next to your lists you want to share with the group.

You can view other members' lists and indicate what you got them.